mariozeldakirby (Fan Art Portfolio) Sorbe, Saute, and Pillow

Sorbe, Saute, and Pillow
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This is another one of my submissions for the challenge "my own Anime?!"

my first submission featured my OC Ostara, which is the mother of Sorbe (Sor-bay), the character above with the awesome hair. He has his magical pet squirrel named Saute (sah-tay)..and he is holding the main character Pillow.

They are on his hot air balloon, which is actually a small bubble. Sorbe shrunk themselves so they can be sure that they can't be seen by their enemies. Pillow fell asleep and started shivering, so Sorbe wrapped his arms and cape around her to warm her up.

Sorbe says "I musn't let myself fall in love. She is mortal. I can't let that happen again", because his mother and himself are wizards, immortal, so they rarely age. Sorbe however, his father was a human, and his mother loved him deeply. Sadly..Sorbe's father died, and he was still a child, because he couldn't age, so he and his mother were burdened to watch the one they love grow old and die because he was human. You see, in my story, at a certain age, wizards are allowed to decide if they want to become mortal or not. Ostara wished and begged to be mortal so she could live and die with her love, but he parents refused to allow it..

So now, Sorbe has met Pillow (I'll explain how Pillow ended up in their world some other time ^ ~) and..he's begining to have feelings....but he doesn't know if he will be able to have his power to choose whether to become mortal granted, so he fears to love Pillow..

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
double maximus, mariozeldakirby, my own anime, pillow, saute, sorbe, the bound parchment
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My own Anime?!
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