this is gunLord my own puppet in the "the puppet club" by pikmin541.
"cheriblosomchibi's requested us to draw our own puppets there you go
cheri~~ meet gunLord ..he's not that adorable actually XD
yah i have no idea about My characters coz i really suck at it -_-'
but with the help of gunLord's puppeter miss Alissa maybe this can help a bit..
-----> gunLord's pRofile:
nyahaha now since gunLord is not alone anymore..coz he meet some
friends in the puppet club... someone like Skullcandy actually**
yeah Skullcandy and gunLord together P=
wanna see them together??? XD XD below ^^
-----> HOLding BaCk: by LoVeRsPaIn
i also dedicate this to all the members of the puppet club**
hope ye like it guys..