SG Creations (Fan Art Portfolio) Red Hare

Red Hare
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yeah, so I saw someone else on one of my guilds on Gaia draw this horse and I had this Horse-drawing spasm and drew this guy and Keiji Maeda's Matsukaze -

The design is bound to not be 100% accurate to the game, since it's difficult to see all the details from the low quality graphics in the game (sorry, I love the games too, but it's true, the graphics aren't the best)
and how tedious it is to find an area quiet enough for me to just have him stand there for there aren't a lot of screenshots of him on the web, so yeah.

one thing I did was give him less of a generic type, upon hearing his name, the word that immediately came to mind was "speed". So I decided to make him a lighter build instead of a hefty, typical war horse a lot might invision (especially in Asia where most horses were short in stature and generally of the same stout, primitive pony type) but I also imagined Red Hare would maybe be a bit hot-blooded like his rider, and maybe have a bit of an attitude, so I modeled him mostly after the light, fast, racing breed, the Ahkal-Teke - which are known both for their speed and their often less-than-friendly temperaments, (some are even said to be inclined to be "vicious" o_O) I'm guess they'd be one-person horses. Yes, they aren't Chinese, (they're Russian I think) but as I said, if I was more accurate, the great Red Hare would likely have been a short, stocky, non-too-attractive little Asiatic pony. SO I let my imagination wonder to the possibility that if he was such an unusual and distinct horse, perhaps he was of foreign origin...

Warriors Orochi 2 Fan Art
armor, charger, dynasty, equine, hare, horse, horses, koei, kuborocks, legend, legendary, lu bu, red, steed, war, warriors
18 votes thumb
11 members Favoritefavorite
Princess Yue omnia1 momochan2020 Mrs Kyo Sohma Kasbaarg otaku le fae Markus wolfe Sashyfrassy
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