"I'm so tierd of chasing this dream. I'm starting to think... It's hopeless."
anyways. request from ~LiLy-Sohpia-Evens she won 3rd place in the fall contest for Yume-Fan-club on deviantART
her request of Takiko and Tsutoru.
so I thought of this.
Tsutoru's starting to become tierd of chasing something that he'll never have.
Takiko, even though she knows Tsutoru has been earning to be with Yume again, stays by his side in hopes that Tsutoru knows that no matter what he does she'll always be there. She sees him for what he truly is and not by the errors of his actions.
awww that's so kyute.
Takiko (c) ~LiLy-Sohpia-Evens (DA)
Tsutoru (c) me.