EmoVampireRiska (Fan Art Portfolio) Picking Favorites... 1st entry

Picking Favorites... 1st entry
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because i hate picking titles, with a passion >.<
im not even kidding...
soon im going to resort to random numbers and letters >.>

anyway, i actually forgot about this challenge ^^;;
my bad xDDD there are a few other pictures im going to submit in a few minutes as well lol

this is an OC :] and he's supposed to be in a tree... but hey... and i actually have a whole back story and everything to why he is sad xDDD
i DID colour in skin tones, but you can barely see it in person xDDD
umm... dedicated to Pants, because im still stuck on her two pictures xDD and because she told me to try new stuff ect... so anyway~
take it

oh, and be brutal in the comments please^^
they give me something to complain about, and something to improve upon^^

ps- i finally got my scanner :D so this my the first submission with it!!!

Personal Fan Art
..., boy, cat ears, cute, depressed, double, down, durr, emo, emovampireriska, emrm, er, kay i think thats it, kid, kitty, lawls, lol, meow, more tags, neko, omg im bored, personal, riska, sad, small, small boy, tagg tagg taggggg, teenage boy, teenager, thinking, this b a tag, this is amusing, vampire
40 votes thumb
37 members Favoritefavorite
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Member Dedication
Picking Favorites
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