moonlit dream (Fan Art Portfolio) Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes!

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Title comes from the song Changes by David Bowie. xD I was listening to this song while I was drawing this picture. :d

SO ANYWAYS. This picture is for the New Year... New Ideas! challenge. :D What I did was give an old character of mine a new personality... Er... Yeah.
SO. This is Rick. He has a new personality. Not that any of you would notice, since I haven't really SPECIFIED his original personality...
HE LOOKS (practically) THE SAME. ;A; ;A; ;A: NOOOO. How disappointing... Maybe I'll enter another picture that won't be drawn on Paint.... eventually....
I'm going to fill up the rest of these footnotes with a SUPER UPDATED CHARACTER PROFILE and other usless information about Rick that none of you will read or care about. Yay. IF YOU DO READ IT, I thank you.

Name: Rick (obviously)
Age: 17
Birthday: August 19th, or something...
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9
Special Talent: Working with electronics, constructing and managing ideas (...?), housework
Hobbies: Talking on the phone, doing stuff (?) on the computer,
Likes: His camera, his headphones, hats (xD;), cute things (... -_-;), Romance novels, Fanfictions, other stuff...
Favorite genres of music: Modern pop, whatever's on Dare's iPod. (>_>;)
Favorite artists: The Goo Goo Dolls, Lady Gaga, Colbie Callet...
Least favorite genres of music: Stuff from the 60s and early 70s. (DDDD: I happen to like 60s and 70s music.)
Ideal Job: Movie Director
Favorite kind of shoe (??): Converse
Favorite food: Anything sweet
Dislikes: School, homework, being overworked, being depressed, fighting, weird fantasies (?!)
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Personality: Seemingly cheerful and outgoing, but is actually quite insecure.
Love Intrest: Dare

RICK. IS. BAND MANAGER OF THE BAND SOMETHING IMPOSSIBLE. Oho. He's in charge of.... a lot of stuff... like arranging dates for interviews, overseas trips, other stuff.... yeah.
He's Dare's best friend, and has been since 4TH GRADE. Dare's almost a year older than Rick, by the way.
He's pretty good at fixing things, and knows a lot of technical details about electronics. He was in charge of the Technology club (the people that do all the lighting and stuff for school plays) in the high school.
He has 4 siblings. :D 3 sisters and a brother. His sisters are in 8th, 6th, and 5th grade. His brother is in 2nd grade. (they don't have character designs or names yet. xD;)
Rick has a crush on Dare for various reasons.... which I don't feel like typing out right now. xD; I'll post it in my world later, if you're ACTUALLY interested.
Rick tries to be cheery around people and doesn't want people to involve themselves in his problems because he believes that'll cause more trouble. The only people he talks to about his problems are his parents and Dare. He doesn't have a lot of self-confidence and his spirit can be broken easily. :<
There's like a million more things I can say about him, but these footnotes are already long as it is. xD
You can compare this picture of him with his original design and original character profile if you feel the need to do so.

The shirt is ugly. Dx I got lazy on the coloring, unfortunately.
By the way, the thing he's holding is a video camera thing. xD; the things around his neck are headphones...

Drawn on MS Paint, obviously.

FIRST PICTURE OF 2010! Uck. I wish I could've submitted a better one. o_x

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
character, microsoft, ms, ms paint, oc, original, original character, paint, rick
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New Year ... New Ideas!
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