This is a character I've had for about a year, though this is my first time drawing her really. My friend helped with her outfit cause i couldnt think straight. She's different from my others who are all outspoken and such. She's more timid and shy and easily scared. She blushes a lot and is prone to fainting and crying for no reason really. I felt bad for her, i had this dream where my other characters were being mean to her and were beating her up, so today I gave her a mean temper >_> she just doesnt get mad easily, she perfers to run away and hide than get the chance to get worked up lol.
Did this when I was in the hospital last week. yep, first i had the flu, then maybe appendisitis! key word:maybe. The doctors couldnt tell since my stomach hurt in two places, not just where it would with appendisitis, but so bad that I couldnt jump. they had no clue -_- nut I'm better. Still sick but when I get sick i'm sick for like two months so yeah.
comment please I dont even care if it's mean this time honestly. Ugh. going back to sleep now.