moonlit dream (Fan Art Portfolio) Liar, liar

Liar, liar
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F-f-f-funky coloring! 8D Yeah, I didn't really know what I was doing with his skin... it's like, purple. But anyways...
This is my character Rick... wearing some weird black-and-blue shirt that he'd probably never actually wear except in this picture because I didn't know what kind of shirt to draw. :D
I HATE PROFILES. If you cover up his head, the picture looks kinda decent...
I also hate this pose. I also also drew this picture before I saw Vacuumology's gorgeous picture... When I saw it, I was like "UUGH THE POSE IS SO MUCH BETTER, AND NOW IT LOOKS LIKE I (badly) STOLE IT." DD: NNRRG. The frustration. ;~;

Uh... so yeah. Rick. My character who has issues with himself... Not that any of you knew, because I never TOLLLD YOUUUU. ;D All my pictures of him are like, "HEE-HEE, I'M HAPPY! 8D" but he's really not... but usually he is... or he tries to be...? Uh. Yeah. >_>;
Stupid red hat that doesn't match with anything... -3-

This is for Zero Guardian's colored pencil challenge... but since my scanner faded the colors big time, I had to make it darker on gimp. (All I did was duplicate the layer, and switch the layer type to multiply.)
I hope that doesn't go against the rules, I only wanted it to show up better. ;~;
If it is against the rules, I can change it to the original one.

Doo doo doo... the end.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
character, emotional, oc, original, original character, rick, tags are annoying and embarassing, um, weird, yeah
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14 members Favoritefavorite
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zero guardian
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