ShadowLight (Fan Art Portfolio) Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day
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First, I would like to thank everyone who has fav,hugged or commented my artwork. I'm happy to know that my hard work is finally paying off and I'm showing better art for your enjoyment. Would also like to say a big/huge thank you to all my friends from a very long date who keep checking and leaving sweet comments, fav or hugging my art for the longest time ever, it was with your help and support that I've developed so much those years~

Now let's talk about this shall we?Did this for my father since it was father's day today. And showed him this right after we woke up and had breakfast, he seemed very pleased which left me really happy.

Please no constructive criticism, I am aware of the many mistakes found on this piece but I rather not have them pointed out because this is a special picture for me and for my dad. Thank you. :)

Please do not steal this, like I said this is very special to me and my family. I'm only showing you it to you so you can enjoy and perhaps have some inspiration to draw your own drawings as presents to your loved ones. ~ <3

No dedication this time, this only and solely to my father.

Personal Fan Art
a, as, can, day, etc, father, gift, hang, happy, he, it, on, poster, present, print, rushed, so, soon, the, wall, will, work
21 votes thumb
8 members Favoritefavorite
AriesXzeroSeven Hyper Vampp Boi Driffter Mimmi Quiet Noise NoirAngel Saerily Hiko
Member Dedication
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This work is not available for use in other pieces


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