I've been on a hiatus for, how long has it been now? 3 MONTHS. AGH.
For those of you who still remember me, I thank you, and I'm letting you know I'm back from the dead. *ahem* now, it's time for an explanation. You don't have to read it if you don't want to.
At about January, I lost my laptop to an angry mom with the notion that I 'wasn't getting out enough'. And this was right around when I had gotten a pic request from a fellow Otaku member. BEST. TIMING. EVAR.
There was one or two times when I had gotten it back for an hour or so, but not enough time use photoshop. Bleh.
Well, I just got it back, lucky me. But my tablet is still missing. ;_;
This was done quite a while before my computer was whisked away. Riku in a bathtub. Weird? I think so too.
I apologize to the world!