This is Zadder me OC and he loves his skirt --;! This will be my entry for ryochi30's challenge. I dunno,i'm sure this is NOt a pin-up pose!!!*failed* I dedicate this mammal to cheriblosomchibi, bloodmoonwolf, loverspain and gaarakittygirl.. <3
Zadder's profile: ahaha XD durr..
gunArt (Fan Art Portfolio)
ZAdder's pOse! ?

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- Created
- 04/19/10
- Category
- Personal Fan Art
- Tags
- blood moon wolf, cheriblosomchibi, confused, gaarakittygirl, kisssess?, loverspain, oc, pikmin541, pin-up pose, ryochi30, skirt!, zadder
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- 24 votes
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- 18 members
- Member Dedication
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- Challenge
- Pin Me Up, Playgirl
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