Well I finally got this done after leaving it hanging for like weeks. I hate school :( so much work piling up I don't get time to draw. QQ~ Anyway yeah this is me preparing for the epic battle. :@
WEAPONS - Pacer and Tablet Pen
I'm more of a sword type of person rather than guns etc. so as my weapons I'm using the two things that have probably been in my hands since forever, my Pentel 0.5 Pacer and Silver Wacom Bamboo Fun Pen. I'm still angry over how my tablet is white and since my white pen broke I bought a new one. I was sent a silver one. QQ. It may be a tablet pen, but I swear to God, it is sharp. I've had a few stabs with it myself. Warning: Extremely sharp and pointy, do not use this at home. Because you can stab yourself, which I did once somehow.
TRANSPORT - Photoshop CS4 CD
Yeah that's right, my photoshop cd can fly. It has a grip base for shoes so that you won't freaking slip off while it flies at like 93284902mph. It's like my flying nimbus since I loved DB as a kid so much <3 Hells yeah!
SIDEKICK - LG 17inch LCD Monitor
I've had this since 6th grade which was like 6 years ago. Hah. Good old friend, been through tough times together. My monitor can turn off other people's firewalls and inflict them with viruses such as trojan and whatnot. LOL Not that I'm implying that my computer has viruses. If it did I'd /wrist, I always keep my computer clean <3 :) I would not be alive without my computer right now.
SPECIALTY - Ipod Chromatic
Yes my Green Ipod Chromatic. It is stored with the load of Korean and Japanese songs I listen to everyday.
Manual - How to use:
1. Aim the Ipod to enemy.
2. Warp them into the Ipod dimension inside.
3. Let them stay in the dimension, where they can't hear anything except for the songs I am playing on full blast. Nyahahaha.
4. Extra - Smack enemies with the loose earphones.
This is probably what I normally wear outside and around the house. I have a picture of me wearing those clothes actually. God I love my black thigh socks with pretty pink ribbons. <3 RIBBONS! BOWS! AHH!KFSJAKL I also love my chucks, black and white cardigan and my awesome red t-shirt. I can not go outside without wearing my black shorts. Easy movement, light and comfy kgo.