Springs (Fan Art Portfolio) NYAF Mascot Entry

NYAF Mascot Entry
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Finally finished it :D. I wouldn't say I'm the best at symbolism and stuff, but I try.

Symbols :

Drawn in anime style, as the rules wanted.

New York related, with the apple and the tall building silhouettes. Skyscrapers = NY. Apple = nickname, "The Big Apple", also New York State's fruit.

Girl in Japanese themed clothing biting the apple = symbol of how Japanese culture and etc is slowly insinuating into everyday American Society.

Taxi Cab checkers = Lots'a taxi cabs in NY, one of the most recognizeable things.

Girl is a "Yūrei", basically the Japanese version of a ghost, hence the white kimono and 2 blue floating spirits. Halloween was part of the requirements too.

Rising sun in the background with silhouettes of Cherry blossoms = common symbols of Japan, also known as the "Land of the Rising Sun", hence the rising sun.

New York silhouette (symbolizing New York) surrounding the Rising Sun (symbolizing Japan) = In New York, anime/manga isn't the most widespread thing, its sort of an "inside" thing that isn't too common. And the sources to get your anime/manga needs in New York is usually deep in the city (from my experience). So.....its like New York is the backdrop, and the Japanese culture is inside and a part of it?

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
anime, con, convention, entry, mascot, nyaf
15 votes thumb
10 members Favoritefavorite
KiKaiya OtakuSan85362 Keome Magicpanda supersaiyanjounin infinatelove42 MissGoldenAngel Miracle Star19
Member Dedication
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New York Anime Festival Mascot Contest '10
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