DeidaraNarutoClan (Fan Art Portfolio) I Choose You

I Choose You
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:3 This is me as a Mightyena

I had this design in my head after I asked one of my friends what pokemon I reminded her of. And Mightyena was the pokemon of choice :3

Reasons why?:

1. I have a bad temper
2. I can really get annoyed at certain things
3. I WILL growl or snarl at people
4. Half of the time people think I'm going to kill them
5. I'm actually a very loyal person despite what many people assume
6. I'm VERY protective of anyone close to me
7. I tend to be a loner most of the time (Not really by choice but sometimes I just seem like that type of person)
8. I could really kill someone if they give me a reason
9. I tend to really love the dark
10. I don't really like shoes too much and tend to wear really loose-fitting clothes
11. I've always been facinated by dogs and wolves
12. I can really be a kind and playful person (><' the playful part don't sound right... I don't mean in the perverted sense well maybe for CK *shot*)
13. When I get into fights, I will get physical and punch and kick people where it hurts
14. I have actually bitten people
15. ... I have also licked people's faces and hands
16. I'm also really emotional...
17. O_o' I'm surprised I came up with so many reasons

:3 I actually came up with this design and drew it about five times... I would've had it at the fourth but Zach decided to have a salad fight with Josh that day T_T'
This last one, I decided to add the skirt-like thing on here because of my CK :3 and the fact I thought of a way to incoporate it. The think I love the most is the bandage I decided to do around the eye. The think I hate the most is that I decided to mix white colored pencil in at certain parts ><' in retrospect... now it looks terrible with that

:3 hope you like it
><' sorry I couldn't think of a good background
If you Fav PLEASE Hug also
Comments are appreciated :3 and thanks in advance

Pokemon Fan Art
cate, dei, deidaranarutoclan, design, gijinka, mightyena, pokemon, self
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Member Dedication
If you were pokemon/gijinka
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