moonlit dream (Fan Art Portfolio) Hot in the city tonight!

Hot in the city tonight!
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Since I can't think of a title, here's some more song lyrics as the title...
If you can guess the song, I'll give you something! Like a gift, maybe. ;D Hohoho.
This is my OC Timothy Ackart. He's of IRISH heretage. Yay. :D I changed his desing a bit from his initial design... mostly his hair because it was such a hassle to draw before. Personally, I like it better like this.
This was going to be my NYAF mascot, before I found out we only had a month to draw something, and it had to be Halloween themed. :> I had already started the planning, so I thought "What the hey! :D" and drew it anyways.
How is this NYAF related, you ask?
Since I so obviously did a poor job of portraying it in the picture, Tim here is supposed to be a tourist of some sort. Because NYC gets a lot of tourists...
Or he could be a conventionist.
Actually, he is an anime conventionist. (Is that even a real term? xD;;)
Tim is a big-time Otaku and goes to cons all the time. He goes to NYAF every year, too. And sometimes he cosplays. :D
He also lives in Boston, just like half of my other OCs. D: EVERYONE IS A BOSTONIAN.
I bet he hates the Yankees.
But he's in New York.
HOW IRONIC. (....Not at all. xD;)
Don't you love that super detailed background? x3 I love it. Not really. xD;;;
I wanted it to be undetailed on purpose, but now it just looks random. o3o
I need to draw Tim more often. ;A; HE'S TOO DIFFICULT.
Dedicated to King-Sama... Just because he's so cool like that. ;3;

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
ackart, new york, nyc, oc, original character, tim, timothy, timothy ackart
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