My entry for C.C contest ,well not so bad even thou I had so short time to color and to do the lineart.It's been so hard to work with no rest and still try to submit art and comment.I want to thank Rachel for showing me her technique for drawing dragons ,its really handy. C.C hope you like the picture,it's very hard to draw lately but I did this one because you made 2 pictures for me :3.
I'm really not contest material haha,kinda draw more to make poeple happy :3.
My meca pencil that I have at the back(yeah it's a weird design haha).
Pen tablet represented on my arm .
My battle armor and dragon that represent my 3-D modelling software.
Ability to integrate many plataforms.
Especial super ability to get nervous at contests and not beeing able to draw haha.
My summoning technique to call a 3-D dragon that was a gift from Rachel.
Using a lot of different software to draw.
It's a digital samurai armor,with a especial visor interface :3.
Very flexible and light.
Resistant to fire.
It's hard to use so many programs and sometimes I get mixed X_x .
Hope you all like!