~Dedicated to josephine12cute~
Well I drew this after I saw Japans crushing defet at the hands of Paraguay. Well okay I drew this a few days AFTER said chrushing defet. I'm still uppset over that. They where doing so GOOD! But on anouther unrelated note: Paraguay did REALLY well! They BEAT spain! SPAIN! Thats like the fifth best team ever (I think)!
And yes I know that there are no fingers. I MENT that. I can't draw fingers. At all. So for this I didn't even try. So bad- I know. But they are MENT so you all know. The only thing that I felt like killing was her FEET. I hate FEET. But I love them so! *cries*
To my dearest josephine12cute. This is your birthday gift! Yea sorry its a little late but I JUST got around to colouring it this morning. Photoshop was being a *insert swear*. But hey one day late isn't so bad! So happy birthday to you! And I hope that you like japan!