FalseDelusion (Fan Art Portfolio) Bic's Christmas Present 2010

Bic's Christmas Present 2010
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As requested, we have called Kross and Grey back just for you. We are currently in the process of packaging them to be shipped to your address. They will be mailed by express mail, so expect them within 24 hours.

As a word of caution, Grey is slightly less willing to be lent away as a toy, so don’t let him too loose. On the bright side, Kross is extremely excited to see you, so he’ll also help keep an eye out on Grey.

They’re yours for a week. Hope you enjoy.

Extremely early Christmas present for Bic.

-head desk-
Took me 3 movies to draw this!! That’s 6 hours, I NEVER spend that long just on some lineart..
And wtff!?! Kross and Grey’s bodies are so small
I hate it when I don’t notice these problems until I FINISHED
And I’m missing my bus trying to type this
But I want to upload it already
And I can’t tonight because I’m building a shed in the back yard
Random note to Gemma: another argument, I have a farm to house all my lovers with plenty of free space left, can you provide them with living spaces like that? >8D
And omg, that male lion in the Lion King2, so SOO HOT!! Erm.. forgot his name, lol, so sad, something that starts with “T”.. I should remember considering that’s the last of the 3 movies I watched..
Not very random note to Bic: I need more love baby. And definitely something VERY motivational for me to even want to come close to considering colouring this. (But I don’t think you’d mind it staying like this, so nvm lol)

EDIT: what?!?!
sorry guys, i'm lost about this too..
I just brought this drawing out from my scrap pile.. and somehow that made it so that it's like i re-submitted it.........................


Personal Fan Art
15385bic, falsedelusion, grey, kross, neine, xing
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