Psyconorika (Fan Art Portfolio) Improvement

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This is for jeweloflife's "Prove your Improvement" challenge. ^-^

From a scale of 1-10, how have you improved in quality/skill? Why?

From the first picture on the left to now I'd say 9 or 10 because as you can see, I used to be absolutely horrible. lol. I'd say my coloring, proportions, and shading are way better than they used to be a decade ago. I think practice is the best way to explain why I've improved.

How has your understanding of art techniques and such developed?

School, college, studying on my own, and practice have been the most important factors in my opinion. It takes a lot of time to understand anatomy and some of the programs/techniques I use to color. Nothing happens overnight.

What have you learned?

I learned how to correctly utilize the program Photoshop, how to shade, and how to use a graphics tablet. Another tool that has helped me significantly when it comes to digital art.

What inspired you to improve?

My main inspiration is my dad. He's an artist as well and ever since I was young I wanted to be as good as him.

Any tips for those wishing to improve themselves?

The main thing I always tell people that ask me this is: Practice. In my opinion it's the most important thing you can do to improve. And like I said, do not expect huge results right away. If you don't have patience to go along with the practice, it won't work.

Sailor Moon Fan Art
sailor moon improvement
72 votes thumb
56 members Favoritefavorite
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Member Dedication
Prove Your Improvement
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