DropedAtBirth (Fan Art Portfolio) Why are you crying?

Why are you crying?
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I'm still not used to the year change because apparently I drewed this last year. D:
Why do years change?

Why is Rini crying? Why is Rini sad?

Maybe Rini is sad because -nfuahcbuaegrekKSEDkFBSVdWILLNOTRANThGXIrH3n4ywegtkacuixYKHFZg-
No, Rini can't be sad. Because Rini is cutesy and lovable, she will never be sad.

I'm just gonna say that she is crying because she heard horrid music and in turn her ears bled. Now she is deaf. "Isn't that even worse though?" I really don't know, Rini just began to look sad to me while I was working on the lineart. REVEAL HOW YOU TRULY FEEL, RINI!!!

I can tell it's 5am. -_- -yawns- crayzeh.

My first actual fanart in a while though. :D I've mainly been posting the stuff I made up without a source but my Sailor Moon obsession was kicked into high gear earlier thanks to searching through Sailor Moon fanart up here and so, with Rini being my favorite since foeva yo, I drewded her. :3 <3

I'm sleepy. Can I have a cookie? Do you want a cookie? I'll share. -breaks in half- And look, it's an actual half. Not 2/3 for me, 1/3 for you. Happy? Oh look, she isn't crying anymore. -naps-

MOM NEEDS BETTER SCANNER. Better than no scanner at all. Shut up sensible me. I have carpel tunnel in my elbow at the moment. Yay.

Oh yeah, meet new Rini, Über Sailor Mini Moon. Yeah.

Sailor Moon Fan Art
crying, mini, moon, rini, sad, sailor
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