AngelBest Dream (Fan Art Portfolio) Bengal Tiger

Bengal Tiger
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First of all I would like to thank Sayu for dedicating me a so big project.I know it took you months to do the picture Sayu and it’s really a great one .I wish I had something I could give you to repay for it.Just made this picture remembering your fierce fighting spirit that always motivates me to go forward.I humbly hope you like it even thou it’s not even close to what you gave me.It was a fast picture in comparison ,just 5 hrs and kinda restarted it because it was not going so well.If you people haven’t seen the newest picture from Sayu it’s here:


Reference of the tiger:


About the picture:

This is the year of the tiger and it’s about to end next month .I think the tiger year is great to make big proyects and to work things.I read the chinesse horoscope and discovered that the spirit I chose for you Sayu was the best to describe your qualities.The tiger is an endangered specie as almost all the pictures I done of animals,more on that later.

Tiger Horoscope:

The Tiger is very lucky, lively and engaging beeing. Some other attributes of the Tiger are his//her incredible bravery, evidenced in his willingness to engage in battle or his undying courage (haha that is so you Sayu).

Tigers do not aim at power or money. They will be completely honest about how they feel and expect the same from others. They seek approval from friends and family. Generally, because of their charming personalities Tigers are well liked.(yes they are *hugs). Failing at a given task or being unproductive in his personal or professional life can cause a Tiger to lean towards sadness and depression . Criticism from the loved ones can generate a lot of preasure on Tigers ,so they will always worry a lot about what their family thinks of them.

Tigers are also incorrigibly competitive - they simply cannot pass up a challenge, especially when honor is at stake, or they are protecting those they love.

From :
Tiger Horoscope

That was sooo you Sayu,I can’t belive I was so presice at choosing the tiger as your guardian spirit.It’s just a perfect match!

You are a Tiger 100% !!

About the Indian Tiger:

The Indian Tiger is an endangered specie that has a population no bigger than 1,411 in the hole world .That might seem like a decent number but there were 10,000 Indian tigers not to long ago .Poaching and illegal hunting aside the destruction of their environment are the biggest threats.Their skins are very valuable and in china that eat their bones for medicine purpose.So Chinese are eating the Tigers,that’s got the be a big irony.I wanted the picture to also represent the struggle of the survival of the tiger.Let’s hope this great animal finds better protection and that it’s kept safe forever.

Thanks for reading,Im very tired and hope you liked the picture and you all can give me a comment,got a feeling black and white will be more liked :3

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
bengal tiger, indian tiger, sayu
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