SaiKat (Fan Art Portfolio) {-MaTRyOshKa-]

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There should really just be a category for 'Vocaloids' in general..

But eh.. onto the picture :)

I worked REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY HARD on this, and it took HOURS. Although it may not look like it did.. ;A; Listening to Matryoshka is what inspired me to do this. Not saying I listened to it over and over and over for hours. I did murder the replay button, but after a while I started watching Saving Private Ryan. Weird mix though... vocaloid to war movies.. hrm.. It was such a great movie though! (watched it twice) *_*

So, the character is mine. I haven't thought of a name for her yet, but I like how she came out xD I also designed the hoodie :D And I would so buy it, if it was real! It's funky and wacky but I still love it lol I still suck at backgrounds, but I wanted to give it a try and fill up the space. ONIGIRI ROCKETS FTW! <3 I dunno what made me add those but..I did. The little rice ball zipper is also an mp3! Heheh..tried to get creative there..

Done with Sai and Tablet.
Time: A long time.. ;w;

Feedback is greatly appreciated :D

Miku Hatsune Fan Art
city, eye patch, matryoshka, music, oc, paint tool sai, sai, smilies, tablet, vocaloid
21 votes thumb
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