Mitengu (Fan Art Portfolio) Follow Your Own Star

Follow Your Own Star
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Last friday I was sitting in a Mc Donalds near Angel Station after a somewhat frustrating meeting.

I was trying to read the newspaper but I was distracted by thoughts about the meeting and my career. On top of that, images from the Tsunami in Japan started to run through my head. I pulled out the sketchbook and I started to sketch aimlessly to vent a bit.

My sketching session got interrupted by a group of girls that were forcing a a kid to talk to me. This kid told me that he was studying art and that he wanted to see my sketchbook. I showed it to him explaining him that I was just getting started. I asked him if he was studying arts and he said he was about to but could not decide between Architecture and Art.

Having gone through the same predicament in the past, I felt this was maybe a Karmic experience and adviced him as I would advise myself if I could go back in time and meet myself at that age:

- "Look, Architecture is all straight lines...Art is messy lines. Which ones you like best?"

- "I don't know" the kid replied.

- "Well, you have to find out what you are best at and enjoy the most. Architecture is not profitable for most. Interior Design is marginally better. With Art, you could be really poor or really sucessful. Follow your own star otherwise you are going to end up sitting in a Mc Donalds and messing up your suit with Conte Crayon. Good luck"

The kid was gazing at me as if he was about to be hit by a car and snapped out of it when his bored friends pulled him out. I took a sip of coffee and I wished both of us good luck...

Personal Fan Art
Bandana, Desert, Earring, Girl, Star
14 votes thumb
15 members Favoritefavorite
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