rosel D (Fan Art Portfolio) Chaotic Visored

Chaotic Visored
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for Xxpicklejuice01xX's So, if YOU were in Bleach... challenge:

Rēzeru is the OC of myself if I would be in Bleach.

I am a Visored since I have something of a split personality(lol. one silent and one crazy XD). And Visoreds are both shinigami/hollow, which is really cool to me.

My weapon is called Konran(Chaos). It is a hilt-less black sword.
The shikai form are two swords, one longsword and a short one.
It's shikai special ability is Konran no Hokai, the shikai will enclose the enemy in a kekkai and unleash highly condensed reiatsu.

Fighting Style:
Watches the opponent's move first.
Analyze movements.
Mimic fighting style/ outwit by using the opponents fighting style against him(since I'm not physically strong)

I chose black since it's cool(and it makes me paler).
I like dark colors generally. Headphones for listening music ^_^
Jackets since I almost always wear jackets.

If I'm really in Bleach I'll be one of the Visored with a silent(almost mute) character, who becomes ax-crazy in battle.
Loves to eat pizza and orders pizza over during training's which annoys the other Visoreds. I will stop even at the middle of a bloody battle, when I get hungry and order pizza(a possible reason why I could be killed in the story).
And would kill anyone, including other Visoreds, if they disturb my fave pastime and food.

Bleach Fan Art
bleach, challenge, me, OC, Rosel D, visored
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Member Dedication
So, if YOU were in Bleach...
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