Wakusei Aoshi (Fan Art Portfolio) Aberius

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This is for Kitty K.O. 'cause we did an art-trade! XD This is her OC Aberius, who is a very lovable character so it was fun drawing this! X3

The nose kills me. I though I could do better on the nose this time, but every time I get to the colouring part I mess up..."orz I REALLY need to work on colouring...but it's sooo frustrating...>3>

I know Aberius probably doesn't have sharp nails, or nails painted black, but I couldn't help but draw them! XD

The colouring is really bad, sorry..."orz

I was debating on giving him black eyelashes or white eyelashes...but I ended up giving him black. He looked normal with the white, but with the black it kinda looked like he was wearing makeup...so maybe I should've went with the white, but I don't think Aberius has white eyelashes.

It's just that I like giving my characters eyelashes that are the same colour as their hair...'orz

Some things look a bit funkay...

This is the first picture I've drawn that was meant for DA, I even put my DA username in the bottom right hand corner.

I'm only posting it on here so I can talk so more. I have this thing about talking too much on DA...I like to be fairly mysterious on there...>:D

Enjoy~! XD

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
abbie, aberius, art, art-trade, gijinka, k.o., kitty, trade
17 votes thumb
13 members Favoritefavorite
Natsu nii DixieWings vdr-07 imouto chan XxAznSkillZXx MissGoldenAngel DeathSeraph byakuyarox1 animelover7310 SaiKat Kitty K.O. Morbid Dollie
Member Dedication
Kitty K.O.
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