ambrensakura (Fan Art Portfolio) Tennessee

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This is my first ever challenge submission so dont make fun of me ppllleeeaasseee. i know hes colored horribly...
Anyway His name is Nathan Knight a.k.a Tennessee
His national flower is the Iris.
He was admitted to the United states or the union on June 1st 1796 so i suppose that makes him 215 years old. *cough cough* old fart *cough*
He helped build the world's first atomic bomb....and in his free time he sets arrows on fire and shoots them at barrels full of gasoline. (dukes of hazzard reference)
He likes helping out his fellow states in times of conflict and getting back on their feet. (right now he's trying his best to help Alabama)
This got him the niclname "the volunteer state"
He really truly loves music. Rather than sitting around in boring meetings of the states he'd rather be play gitaur somewhere or shop for new intsruments. He loves attending his own music festivals like Bonaroo and The Cmt (country music tv) Festival. he likes all kinds of music but his favorite is acoustic rock and country.
He's really into Indian history, and has a bunch of Cherokee stuff like dreamcatchers, and other random items around his house.
Due to the Civil war, he still has issues with the northern states...he kinda has a few grudges...he has trouble with forgiving and forgetting
He also likes deep fried stuff. But has a high metabolism so he has no fatness!!
But he's also really big into farming and trying to stay healthy...which is hard due to his love of fried chicken
Now for the history part (fuuun)
What is now Tennessee was initially part of North Carolina, and later part of the Southwest Territory.
Tennessee furnished more soldiers for the Confederate Army than any other state, and more soldiers for the Union Army than any other Southern state.
In 1796 Tennessee became the 16th state in the union
In 1933 the Tennesee valley authority was created
Somewhere along the line..Tennesse had some serious trouble deciding where the capittal would be..(he's kinda indecisive) One city held the glory of being the capital for ONE DAY in 1853...that was Kingston,Tennessee

Hetalia: Axis Powers Fan Art
Challenge, Nathan, Oc, Tennessee
5 votes thumb
4 members Favoritefavorite
Anime White Wolf hetcheywerewolf Romanos Vixen Hanako Sho
Member Dedication
50 Nifty United States
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This work is not available for use in other pieces


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