Wakusei Aoshi (Fan Art Portfolio) Master Vs. Student

Master Vs. Student
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This is for Ametsu the Ninja's challenge 'Master and student'.

This was going to be more comedic, but I just went with somewhat peaceful or joyous....somewhat...in a way...O.o;

You must be wondering what they're doing...or why Yukimura is about to punch Shingen! It's because of their relationship as Master and Student. Shingen is always punching Yukimura...to teach him a lesson? I dunno...why do you do that Shingen!? I say comedy relief! :D

So now the tables have turned...

Actually, usually I it's that Yukimura is like 'OYAKATA-SAMAAAA!!' and charges in for a punch, but he's smacked back by Shingen...something like that...XD

Ahh...I love these two...

But not as a pairing...O.o; Eww, gosh...I saw a bunch of pairings of these two and I think it's pretteh creepy.

Neh, Yukimura can have Sasuke~! :D Or Masamune! >:D

There are SEVERAL mistakes...but, again, I don't think I have anything in my portfolio that doesn't have mistakes in it..."orz I wonder why that always happens. I finish drawing it and then when it come back to it I notice I forgot something or I did this wrong or blahh...And...his chest bothers me. I just couldn't draw it correctly...and I drew it liike....oh, I have no clue how many times, not even an estimate...just...I'm glad it over...But after colouring it (and liquifying it), it does't look as bad as I thought! :D

And hooray for smudge-y backgrounds~! :D That was intentional, completely. I didn't want any lines 'cause I thought it'd take away...Now that I think about it...I think backgrounds should have lines as well...eh, but I'm lazy.

Enjoy~! ^ ^

Sengoku Basara Fan Art
master, sanada, shingen, student, takeda, yukimura
14 votes thumb
9 members Favoritefavorite
Morbid Dollie KyoriKaze10 Tayeta Hanako Sho byakuyarox1 Kitty K.O. SolemnSerpent XxAznSkillZXx
Member Dedication
Ametsu the Ninja
Master & Student
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