I can wait...
Just click it...
I'll wait for you to come back...
It's Cucumber and Whose-Ever-Heard-Of-Little-Sisters-Being-Legendary-Heroes-Almond from Cucumber Quest! :D
Honestly, I really like this series. It always has a way to amuse me (and make me hungry with everything looking like food...) and plus the art style is simply adorable!
I TRIED to emulate the style that is used in the comic...I know I kind of failed, but I do actually kind of like the end result. :) If you happen to be curious, I drew it with the crayon-thingy on SAI...which I had no really idea how to use, so I just winged it. :3 Oh also, the entire picture is based off the banners that are at the top of the comic (like this one).
Well then, I hope you enjoy and take me advice to read this comic because it's amaaaaaaaazing! ~<3
Ya know...I noticed that I have an odd obsession with drawing profile views lately, chibi or otherwise...weird.