Umm Well Caro's B-day was yesterday XD but the scanner was busy -_-'' so here's her gift :D
Is Aro! XD why? because umm my first attempt at Gil was kind of a failure haha and because Aro's B-day was also yesterday XDDD so yep... I know His head looks kinda big -_-''' and the pic is supposed to be a little bit longer but it didnt fit the scanner hehe
Anyway what do you think?
Comments and hugs very appreciated!!
To kro:Sisuuuu Feliz feliz cumpleaños! XD el presupuesto no alcanzaba para mas .3. .... juro que pense en darte flores perooo si , no alcanzaba ;A;...espero que te guste! si no,request lo que sea XD