Support KIRA (Fan Art Portfolio) World Domination

World Domination
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Messy drawing is messy >.<' Don't hate me, I got lazy and couldn't really clean up the lineart after I merged them >w<''

I really wanted to enter this contest though I have been pressed for time. The only thing I could think of was Kira plotting with Jack...cause she totally would. "Let's push people off cliffs *snickers*" Stars will get that. <3 I loved your contest concept, it's too bad more people didn't join it D:> HURRY AND ENTER PPLLLLL D:

Anyway...description. Um...I was happy about drawing Jack from memory *loves him too much* Then I made his suit out of a neat striped texture I had. Thought I was being creative...though....I don't know if I like how it turned out :/ It was a pain in the ass to change the direction of the stripes. *blunt* So much of a pain, I did not even WANT to put Kira's texture on her kimono. xD We'll just say she uh...forgot that one at home! 8D She's a kitsune this Halloween, so yes, she is in costume. Ummmmm yeah I think that's all, I hope you like my silly little attempt ^^''

Hey hey hey the text/speak was fun. Don't dis the text discussion on top XD

The Nightmare Before Christmas Fan Art
Halloween, Jack, Jack Skellington, Kira, Kitsune, Pumpkin King, The Nightmare before Christmas
17 votes thumb
13 members Favoritefavorite
fukachan Lanier Sama KiKaiya AriesXzeroSeven Karmira Bleachic dyanaanime Hanako Sho Kami-chan.x3 sakurasista
Member Dedication
โ˜† This is Halloween โ˜†
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