I was looking at this amazing photo:
I was wondering, is it okay just to 'copy' a photo like this; because I wasn't the one who took it? Hope I'm not breaking any rules (or copyright or something like that). So, if there is anything like that, the photography isn't mine, the rights go to whoever took it.
I really enjoyed drawing this, because I haven't drawn in a while. And it doesn't really look like the photo, but at least I tried ^^'. (and the bird doesn't have the other leg because..it was impossible for me xD) I am happy with how it turned out thought :3.
Dedicated to Fikret :). I haven't talked to you in a while. And you could maybe consider this as a early Christmas gift, if I don't manage to make you anything else. 'cuz I'm lazy. And there's school. And I'm mean :3 Hope you'll like it ^-^.
P.S. Does anyone know which bird it is? I have an idea, but I'm not sure.