Aoz0ra (Fan Art Portfolio) Face Forwards

Face Forwards
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I don't know if this counts but...

I dedicate this to A413 aka Sel-san. This girl is definitely one of my inspirations, to get better in art. I mean, I love art and digital painting but I'm normally quite complacent.
But Sel? Sel is already amazing in lineart, and aiming to be even more awesome - she has such drive, she makes me want to get better too and amount to something closer to where she's striving for; and I'm honoured to be her partner in the art group project we're working on. Regardless of the fact that I arrived about a year late to join in.

As to this... This is slide 34 out of more than 40 slides of an animation(?). lol Thing is, I chose to use Harmony. And well, this was a challenge because not only is Harmony an online art program that has the tendency to have its file saver option crash over and over (screenshots fixed that, kinda); there are no layers. Still, I really really wanted those textures...

I literally was drawing and painting over every slide, and taking screenshots for each slide, and rearranging them on SAI to make it look at least half-decently moving from scene to scene. This took almost 6 hours but it was a great exercise and experimentation of Harmony's limits - the constant layering of colour over the previous slide, for one thing, gave a really nice, almost thick texture.

All this work was for Sel and the project. Our group? Kotta-Zatta-Seken. We are by no means ready to launch but we're getting there. 8)

This is my most recent work with Harmony lol, and has never been published anywhere else. Combo breaker I meant to save it for a promo wallpaper, ala SAI, but I've had no time to do that. Instead, edited on GIMP to brighten and soften some of the harsher lines, as well as hide the herp derp that comes with screenshot-ing. ^^ Hope you like!

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
harmony, original
17 votes thumb
14 members Favoritefavorite
infinatelove42 Oasaka45656 A413 allycat2090 Ayane yashiikawa Missa8305 KiKaiya Pleiades Rising NeKo MoonShine TokyoBunny123 omnia1 Hanako Sho xNotUnderstood
Member Dedication
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This work is not available for use in other pieces


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