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Theme #52- Deep in Thought

For superstarpanou's challenge- .:It's Okay to Cry:. This is Obi from Akagami no Shirayukihime.

And also doubling up as my art trade half for you, Panou-chan! =P
I know we said we would do a pencil trade..but since you did such a large group pic in pencil, I felt that the least I could do was give you a pic in full color. >.< And also for your hard work as a sub Santa for the SS event, I wanted to thank you. I know it's just I'll be making up the rest to you in another pencil pic, but for now I have a LOT of explaining to do for this pic, so here goes!

So for Panou-chan's challenge, we're supposed to draw out/interpret a scene that made us cry/almost cry happy or sad tears. I don't cry very easily, so I can't say that I actually cried, but I did get choked up a little and felt SO bad for Obi in Chapter 23 when Shirayuki was kidnapped and he felt so terrible about not being able to protect her like he should have. You can read the actual scene for the chapter here! The mangaka did an excellent job conveying the emotion in the scene(which I've reread..I don't know how many times haha).

Here I interpreted him in this drawing as being deep in thought about his failing to protect her(like he was in the manga thinking about her). I know I probably should have stayed more true to the scene, but this was the image in my head that was inspired by the scene and I just HAD to draw it. I actually had no idea Deep in Thought was on the 100 themes challenge list LOL, but when I saw it was, I was very surprised! xD

The title is "searching." because it's kind of a double-meaning thing xD He's searching his thoughts and feelings in regards to what he feels towards her, but also he is physically searching for her in the manga after he makes his decision to pursue her captors. I know we were supposed to put dialogue in the description...but there isn't really's just him thinking mostly.

Anyway I hope you like it, Panou-chan! I know Obi is your favorite character next to Ryuu ^^ So you'll probably be expecting another pic from me haha, but for now I hope this will suffice. >.<

This is my first time doing a speedpaint(at least...a semi-speed paint), so forgive me if it looks rushed or something T__T I really tried hard on this pic, though it may not seem like it.

I hope you all like it, especially you Panou-chan!<33 I had a lot of fun with this and I worked really hard on it! @__@
Take care everyone!<3

Done in Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 and Paint Tool SAI with Wacom Intuos3 Tablet
Time taken: Around 4 hours(I was somewhat distracted last night working on minus the distractions, it's about this much)


Akagami no Shirayuki-hime Fan Art
akagami no shirayukihime, aragorn1014, blue, challenge, clouds, cry, light, obi, photoshop, sai, shirayuki, speedpaint, superstarpanou
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Member Dedication
.:It's Okay to Cry:.
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