Team Plasma N (Fan Art Portfolio) Young Love

Young Love
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Yes I am able to enter a contest that I have no chance in winning! Oh well, but since everyone was doing current relationships I decided to go back a little and do a favorite relationship of the past which is Lux and Estelle as childhood friends.

I thought that I needed to be a bit more creative then drawing them as adults and heck we have all invisioned their childhood in our minds through the stories in PGR. So here they are, Lux a young nerdy Shinx and Estelle, a fashionable and adorable Eevee. Nae said something about Estelle wearing a dress so I sort of made up the top with what little info I had! ;D

Anyway, I just wanted to draw them so badly because they really have a wonderful past together and it was destroyed so abruptly that it never really had a chance to blossom into anything, even though they were each other's first crushes!!! >:D That's super cute!

You can just feel the love between the two and how happy they with the other, I just wanted to give Estelle a huge smile and Lux is just pleased to be with her. They are kids so I kept it simple and sweet! I hope you like it! Oh and the background was added to show the wilderness they lived in! xD I as lazy but added the background and effects via GIMP.

Please tell me what you think, comments are always appreciated! So are hugs and favorites!!! <3

Wish me luck in the contest and thank you Kitty for putting it on! :)

Lux (C) Team Plasma N

Estelle (C) Naomi Bear

Isn't Young Love Bliss??? Hehehehehehe it surely is!!!


Pokemon Fan Art
children, eevee, espeon, estelle, fox, friends, kitty, love, lux, luxray, pgr, poke, pokemon, shinx, sky, young, young love
31 votes thumb
20 members Favoritefavorite
Usagi Ketsueki Otomi Babii JanetChan Naomi Bear Blindloverr713 Animelgirl1981 Sakura Kokoro animelover7310 MangaKid krokun Zuzu Uchiha unknowndoll LGA775 SaiKat xNotUnderstood Kitty K.O. Artgrrl Eneko PGR
Member Dedication
Naomi Bear
PGR Pairings~
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