So yeah, this is me.
The biggest words, saying "Um...Hello."
Represents that even though I may talk a-lot and interact with people A TON online, offline I am extremely shy. Social anxiety FTW :/
Excess of blue because my favorite color is blue. :)
My current outfit is my green jacket, jeans, and my black converse. I am average height(5'4") and very skinny.
Three emotions portrayed on the left side: Distant/sad, overly happy, and confused.
That basically sums up all of my emotions XD
Under that are my hobbies. Listening to electronic music(in this case should be considered a hobby because I listen to it 24/7 and music really is my life), crocheting, and drawing.
And the sketches to the right side....well that needs no further explanation.
Except for the car... By me shouting "USE A TURN SIGNAL!", I am trying to portray that I get a little road rage from people who don't use courtesy. Like when people cut in line.
Um....that's about it really.
I hope you like it!
(doing slightly better at shading/coloring yay!)