This looked incredible ~
...Inside my head
Why didn't these two have a showdown, hm, right they did - in swordforms
I thought it would be a nice idea to have them head to head so to speak, I had some trouble when I realized that oh - Fi where are those arms that can hold your weapon of choice hm?
And yeah, she's totally swinging herself around...
doesn't all the swordspirits do that heh... I was planning to have Ghirahim swing himself around as well but that kingsized sword didn't quite fit on my poor A4.
Fi was actually in the same colors as Ghirahim poverty gives you limited amount of drawing materials keh But it didn't look natural at all so I changed it in photoshop with the cost of messing up the lines.
Noticed it's that old good-blue versus evil-red feeling in it?
* That background is made of win, it's like icebears in a snowstorm.
* Of course the tongue had to be included.