hackerblackrose (Fan Art Portfolio) Messy Paint Project

Messy Paint Project
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So I have a special treat for you guys, I had to do a messy paint project for my 2-D design class and this is what I did for it. I got an A for it yay! :D but I used watercolors and graphite pencil. This project took me about 6 hours and it is on 18x24 watercolor paper. Sorry for the glare in her hair, that was my camera with the flash.

I really enjoy doing this project I did more of a semi-realism style to it, putting the water colors onto it was a lot of fun. I mainly used the cool colors which are blue green and purple, they really do blend nicely together. I'm glad that my water colors blended well and not make a icky color like mud lol. but please do enjoy this piece! :D I really enjoyed working on it. :)

oh yes I am doing two different names in my water marks now. It will say Hackerblackrose and Nikkiiv21. I have a tumblr and instagram now which I really love to be on and my username for that is Nikkiiv21. My tumblr name is someartgirl but my e-mail is nikkiiv21@yahoo.com, so it still has my name on it, I don't want people to think I am stealing works. (if you want to find me and follow I will follow back! ♥). If you start to follow me on instagram you will see me and my daily life with more artwork on there from sketches that I don't post on here. I'm trying to be more active with my artwork especially on here, theotaku.

if you have any questions for me just ask :) ♥

Love, Rose ♥

Personal Fan Art
messy, paint, realism, sad, watercolor
12 votes thumb
6 members Favoritefavorite
HotRamen2Go009 nimbusoak MangaKid Zuzu Uchiha
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