AlexaClyne (Fan Art Portfolio) The Doctor Dances

The Doctor Dances
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For a contest by Doctor-x-Rose-Club @dA! I haven't read any 9/Rose fics (I'll do that shortly) so I went with a favorite moment from the show. ♥

Honestly, I have a lot of favorite scenes throughout the series and it's really hard to choose a particular one (everything's brilliant, EVERYTHING.)

Anyway, I went with this one because dancing is very lovely.
And they barely noticed that they got teleported and I just--! /squealing
I wanted to draw their dancing in the TARDIS but nevermind. ANYWAY.
I just love the story in The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances. It's by Steven Moffat. So 'nuff said. :'D
It's just brilliant and thrilling and Captain Jack is in iiiiit! ♥3♥ And doesn't the 'Are you my mummy?' thing scare you? Scares me all the time. And the Doctor telling them to go to their room is just clever. I could never get over it. x'DDD And Jack and Rose dancing with Big Ben behind them.

So here, first 9/Rose fan art from me. I'll improve in time. : D Drawing real people is really not my forte. My anime-ish style just burst through everything I draw. = 3 = And my coloring is all blargh, so, sorry. ; 3 ; AND HOW DO YOU DRAW NINE'S FACE I JUST DON'T KNOW. Dx

I love the chemistry between them. So much. ♥

Paint Tool SAI + PS CS5

Doctor Who Fan Art
billie piper, doctor who, nine, nine/rose, ninth doctor, rose tyler, ten/rose, the doctor dances, the empty child
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