Wakusei Aoshi (Fan Art Portfolio) Manga Love

Manga Love
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I'm trying to improve in writing manga and I recently thought of a good series of one shots to do, but to help me know where to start on them, I'd like to ask you, the future readers, some questions.

I also asked these questions on my world, so if you have already answered them, no need to answer them again! XD I'm doing this again so that I can have as many opinions as I can get!

1. What is your favourite romance manga and why? Can also be manhwa or a webcomic. Multiples are very welcome, in fact, please tell me your favourites (plural) the more the merrier!

2. What scenes stick out the most (try explaining this in a sort of general way so as not to get spoilers unless there's no way around it)?

3. What kinds of themes do you look for in your romance manga?

4. What are some of the worst romance manga you've read and why?

5. What is something you would not want to see in a romance manga?

6. What is something you WOULD like to see in a romance manga?

7. Please name your favourite romance manga characters and why you like them.

Thank you~! <333

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
girl, light, manga, reading, romance, shoujo, window
27 votes thumb
22 members Favoritefavorite
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