ooh.... it's been soo long since I last go to "theOtaku" been so busy with everything nowadays orz
This is just a random fast drawing of Stella I made, with my instant noob technique LOL
it's not much, n yeah once again I'm sorry Q_Q been absent so long yet came back still noob level ahahaha *stabs self*
how I made this pic is just my own custom instant technique, it's actually a traditional drawing using 2B mech pencil, then took a photo of it *yes I dun hav a scanner*, change the contrast n gamma, then using SAI just use an overlay layer, paint everything in... I know, u want to slap me rite?
I rely mostly on my own pencil, I still don't hav an idea for digital stuff
Oh! n the title for this game is no longer FF XIII Versus, it's FF XV now right? *at least that's what I heard from IGN*.... <_<
hope u "like" it ahaha... now I go back into doing my home assignment(S) of 70 drawingSS 8D