hackerblackrose (Fan Art Portfolio) Show a little love

Show a little love
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So I while I was at work today an idea came into my head and I figure this would be a great idea to start in my world on here known as Hackerblackrose, my idea is to show some love to artists on here featuring them in my world. It is like prompting your work for free, but I will be choosing random artists to be the artist that will be feature on that day. I will be doing it on random days until I figure out a system that will work best for me. I will also message you if you are the artist being feature that day. And remember it will be at random so it could be anybody on here, but you have to at least be an active artist. Even if you do just wallpaper and e-cards I will featuring artists who just do that too.

The title for these will be Show a little love username

Actually I might create a whole new world for this, if it becomes popular

I hope you guys like this idea and hopefully to get more artists to be notice on here and learn more about them. Hopefully I can start this tomorrow and have the first artist up :) ♥

Show a little love! ♥

Love, Rose ♥

Personal Fan Art
anime, cute, heart, love, manga, personal, show
17 votes thumb
15 members Favoritefavorite
Vanilla Cupcake nimbusoak NoirAngel Darkarax Valerie014 cheriblosomchibi Zuzu Uchiha Miracle Star19 kita mikichi AriaFlosh MangaKid Kazamas-Keyblade
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You're allowed to use this piece for your wallpapers and ecards if you: (1) paste this page's URL when you submit them and (2) agree not to upload your new work outside theOtaku.com


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