This was originally going to be a detailed drawing of her clothing with all these patterns, but I got bored and splatted blood everywhere! MUAHAHAHAHH!
There's a lot going on this the fact that the divider screen has organs on it and the one with a heart has a slash of blood signifying that whoever was killed there was slashed in the heart. The body is probably hidden behind the panel with the kidney.
I used flowers in her hair and around her that symbolize heart break, jealousy, greed, boredom, and other negative feelings which probably represent the feeling of this girl and why she killed the person.
She is also covered in jewels which suggests that she is greedy, another possible motive for murder.
I didn't give her a nose because I was afraid...I always seem to put the nose in the wrong place or I draw it too detailed or something, so no nose here....'orz
Since this was also done for Maji De's challenge Only Using Pen I did just that, again. I didn't have any plans for this except leik mental planning and just drew whatever with a pen, which you can tell in this pic, too...O.o; So many mistakes in this...'orz But what can I do, I did it in pen...*shrugs*
Enjoy~! ^ ^