ItachiSasuke (Fan Art Portfolio) Doggie Detectives

Doggie Detectives
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Happy birthday Jenna<3

Haha, this is not as good as the original I sent you, but I'm guessing it won't come in the mail today T^T so I posted it on here so you can see!

I don't know how the idea came up, but I thought dog=smell well=clues=detectives! So that's the base of the idea. Pretty much the 'good' team is on the bottom with Riley, Eddie, Judah, Tom and Patches while the 'bad' team is on the top.

Judah is the main character (sort of like Sherlock xD), and has a strong sense of justice. Tom is his 'Watson' being both knowledgeable and wise for quick decision making. Patches is also the smart one, being able to gather information from crime scenes and processing them to Judah and Tom. Eddie is somewhat of a comic relief, and sometimes is disregarded when there are tricky cases. Because he's younger than the other crew, he tries to make himself noticed and sometimes ends up in trouble because of it :3 Riley is somewhat of a separate detective who occasionally joins sides with Judah when the time calls for it.

The main anit-hero is Echo (because he's cool xD), he finds Judah amusing and often creates a mystery to attract Judah's attention. He's very smart though, letting his partners do the dirty work while he's plotting something else. His second in command is Lexy, who's personal rival is Patches and they are both smart and technologically advanced. Johnny is a good agent to Echo, doing what he is told, but sometimes doing what he wants as well. He is easily fuelled by emotions, especially hating Judah (Johnny & Judah used to be best friends, Johnny joined Echo in attempt to get revenge on Judah). Annnnd Jake is like the con man of the 'manga', and Brody is a skilled fighter (he likes guns :3).

I'm so sorry if that ruins their personalities that you gave them >3< But that's how it ended up playing in my mind. I hope you like the original when you get it and HAVE AN AWESOME DAY DEAR FRIEND<3

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
Brody, detectives, doggies, dogs, Echo, Eddie, Itachisasuke, Jake, Johnny, Judah, Lexy, MangaKid, OCs, Patches, poster, Riley, Tom
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