So I have two dogs both mixed
You have Buddy my husky mixed with german shepherd who is really protective of anyone in my family. Doesn't like strangers in his territory. He pretty much can be calm when he's told to but is aggressive when strangers (or friends unannounced) approach him. He has a strange color to him and appearance is different colors. He looks more german shepherd but you can see the hints of husky in him (mostly because of the eyes and tail curl)
Then theres Princess... she's older than Buddy but he's bigger than her.... in height. She is more calm and loves anyone. she tends to go really hyper when people show up though with her appearance people think her to be aggressive than Buddy. But she's really sweet and is the only one dog to be able to approach Buddy (though when he was a pup she wasn't to happy with him) She's mixed with labrador and Pit Bull thought the pit bull side of her is more noticeable to anyone.
Yes the colors on them represent their fur color