I had this finished a while ago except for the background which I got done in some free time on Monday. Its for my neighbor who is moving away. I used to visit her two Siamese cats Socrates and Ayla while she was away.
I thought I'd do the pop art style of Dean Russo again since its really fun and also I think the owner will like the colours here >///<
Experimenting with styles again weeeee~
Sorry guys, I know I'm falling behind on replying to comments and now that I'm uploading again, I wanna say THANKYOU to everyone who have left me super nice compliments or constructive criticism on my arts, even if you haven't gotten a reply from me yet. I shall be back in action soon! My bedroom decor is almost done but work is getting way busier which is awesome... but my wisdom teeth come out in two weeks, hooray. (seriously, Hooray! cuz these teeth are really bothering me now and interfering with my life =_=) Whoop for a random squashed life update XD
Once I finish a quote project/older requests and once business slows down, I really want to take free requests (while livestreaming) again so look out for that post sometime next month or so! *U*
MangaKid(c) inspired by Dean Russo art.