MangaKid (Fan Art Portfolio) Thankyou Requests Pt1

Thankyou Requests Pt1
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Recently I wrote a rant about a life issue and I didn't feel right in complaining about it here, but I woke up in the morning to get an unexpected bunch of amazing comments of advice from all my friends here! It meant so much to me that 'thank you' didn't cover my gratefulness.
So enter free requests! Thankyou all again who took time to help me out, things have been rough still but I'm doing much better in the situation^^

Part 1 includes:

  • Sam & Max for CelestialSushi- So fun to draw this pair! But this was my second attempt... My first attempt turned out kind of weird xD Thankyou for all your advice and prayers, Sushi!
  • Loki for silvershriek- I wanted to do him in a realistic portrait but he was not cooperating =_= I need more practice and time with drawing him! For now, I hope you enjoy this drawing of Loki in my style~ Thanks beyond words for all your support, Silver-chan <3
  • Mizuki for KyraChan- Thanks for your comment and also for requesting such a cool OC to draw ^U^ It was challenging but really fun to draw for you, and I hope it shows my gratefulness to you. Please let me know what you think of her outfit!
  • Misaki and Usui for animegirl171- It had been so long since I last heard from you, An!! So I really appreciate that you were able to read my post and comment to give me advice and a different perspective in your short online time <3 I used a reference for Misaki but added in a chibi Usui on the plate x3 Thankyou!
  • Dragon for ItachiSasuke- Lol I actually think I finished this one first out of the requests xD Thanks a million, Bonnie-chan! You're always there to support me <3 and understand me too! Thanks for the texts too!! I hope you like your dragon.

*Colouring wasn't planned so thats why a couple requests are in black and white.
**Part 2 thankyou requests are coming soon~

MangaKid(c) 2013

Personal Fan Art
creature, digital, dragon, Loki, MangaKid, max, Misaki, Mizuku, OC, requests, sam, shojo, thankyou, traditional, usui, wolves
31 votes thumb
22 members Favoritefavorite
ShadeyCharacter NinjaBluez Fullmoonanime ItachiSasuke Soulanime14 Hifsa animegirl171 yuko9kost Heartstop Darkfoot21 Rainbow Dragon silvershriek Zuzu Uchiha CelestialSushi elricbrothersfan KyraChan Artgrrl Kaagemusha hackerblackrose kita mikichi
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