KeybladeMewKasa (Fan Art Portfolio) CHEEEEEERO

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Ahhh, I'm gonna get super sappy here, please forgive me-

Happy birthday, Chero! I know we don't really talk as much as we used to, but I just wanna say that I still consider you a good friend and I miss talking to you so much ahhh WE NEED TO CATCH UP, GURL. ;A; Reblogging each other's crap on tumblr does not count.

But uh yeah so it hit me that we've basically known each other for almost ten years? If I'm doing the math correctly? WE'RE SO OLD NOW. You were literally my first online friend ever. Long gone are the days of the KOL message boards, but I still have fond memories of them and I don't know where my life would have gone without you, to be honest. For starters, I probably definitely wouldn't be on theOtaku, if that tells you how much of an impact you've left on me. gaaahhhh, just, WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE MY FEELINGS TOWARDS YOU

In short: THANK YOU FOR BEING A FRIEND -plays Golden Girls theme song-

ANYWAY, so this picture was actually supposed to be your birthday present either last year or the year before (I can't remember which--it's not dated in my sketchbook and it's in one of my mixed ones that has stuff from as far back as 4 years ago and as recent as last week), but some things happened and I ended up holding off on it until this year because, WHY NOT-
But it's our ye olde babies. I'd forgotten how similar their color schemes/general appearances were and then i was coloring this earlier today and i was just like "oh-"

BUT YEAH. Hope your birthday is as gr8 as you are~

Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Art
chero, kasa
9 votes thumb
6 members Favoritefavorite
nikkeh09 harvestmoonluvr MewChero Yours Truly Zuzu Uchiha allycat2090
Member Dedication
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