Rainbow Dragon (Fan Art Portfolio) Yuzu as Sailor Venus

Yuzu as Sailor Venus
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Creative title not so creative

Featured Character: Yuzu Hiragi from Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V

Character Cosplayed: Super Sailor Venus (Minako Aino) from Sailor Moon

Materials: 8 1/2 x 11 paper, #2 pencil, black ink pen, colored with Crayola colored pencils

Time spent on drawing (all together): Roughly 3 hours or so

Music I listened to while coloring this

Pose reference

Reference I used for Yuzu

I have been planning on doing this drawing for quite some time now. I had this wild idea to draw the 4 Yuzu girls cosplaying as the inner senshi from Sailor Moon. I'm a huge fan of both Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V and Sailor Moon so I thought I'd take this idea and run with it. Next I plan on drawing Serena cosplaying as Super Sailor Jupiter.

The drawing by itself (including tracing it out with ink pen) took me about an hour or so and the coloring took about another hour. The hardest thing I had trouble with in this drawing was getting Yuzu's hair just right. The thing is her hair is mostly up in twin ponytails most of the time but there were a few instances where it was actually down. I decided to draw her hair hanging down for this except for a small part of it being tied back with a bow just like Minako. But instead of the bow being red it is blue to reflect Yuzu's blue hair clips that she wears.

The pose itself was also challenging to draw because of the hands and getting the leg proportions just right. I think I had more trouble with the hands though, I did my best and I think everything came out ok in the end. I really enjoyed coloring it the most. I loved coloring Yuzu's pink hair because it turned out so pretty.

Another thing I'd like to add is for the background I drew the Venus flower heart ring that appears in Super Sailor Venus's transformation sequence. It was challenging to draw and color but I really like how it turned out. Also the music notes are a reference to Yuzu's Melodius deck in Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V.

The reason I chose Yuzu to represent Sailor Venus is because in Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V she is very loving and caring to her friends. And like Minako she also knows when to stand up and fight. She also wants to follow her dream and become the best entertainment duelist she can be and be her own strong person. Minako and Yuzu both share a alot of personality traits; both are kind, loyal, determined, loving, good friends, leaders when needed, and both can stand their ground. Yuzu Hiragi is one of my favorite characters in the regard that she represents the kind of person I'd like to be someday.

That being said, I hope everybody enjoys the artwork. Dedicated to SmallxLady because she also likes Sailor Venus.

Extra Note: I actually used a scanner to scan my artwork for once! Yay!

Crossover Anime and Manga Fan Art
bishoujo senshi sailor moon, cosplay, heart, hiragi yuzu, music notes, rose, sailor moon, sailor venus, super sailor venus, yu-gi-oh arc-v, yu-gi-oh!, yuzu hiragi
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14 members Favoritefavorite
dragon900 allycat2090 Kaerlyn SmallxLady Darkarax ItachiSasuke Snowzi nikkeh09 Miracle Star19
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