(~‾▿‾)~(~‾▿‾)~ Happy Birthday DeathSeraph!~(‾▿‾~)~(‾▿‾~)
I decided to draw Honore taking tea LIKE A BOSS!!!1! because I hate him! He's too perfect! *grumblegrumblestupidopiccioneblu*
This is definitely one the most ambitious drawing I ever done, mostly because is the first time I do a complete promarkers draw! I hope this looks fine. Took me just a couple of hours to do. Eleven.
If someone has some tips for using markers please tell me in the comment, I would love to improve!
Here's the reference I used for the pose.
Let's have a nice celebration tomorrow! Can't wait for that sweet sweet sushi to be in my mouth! ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)
Honore(c) DeathSeraph
Stay Groovy! ;-)