Title: Comeback Kids
Alternate Title: 2009 Stanley Cup Champs, 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins
Story: True story
Art: MangaKid JK(c)
Date: May-June 2012
Read: Right to Left
This is my entry for HametsuKuro's Your Favourite Memory challenge. Just beat the deadline!
Its not a personal memory but it is in the way of what happened when I believed for my favourite team to win. Watching the Pittsburgh Penguins win the Cup was a great experience I'll never forget as a fan or person!!
This whole manga is done mostly in black marker/pen but I did add the text and boxes digitally as well as one screen tone that my markers wouldn't cover.
Dedicated to HametsuKuro who created this great comic challenge!! We need more comic challenges like these^^
Please enjoy and take care of me!
I tried not to rush but I also got lazy^^' Let me know if you have questions! All feedback is welcome!